Yellowstone National Park and Wild Livelihoods Business Coalition, in collaboration with Grizzly Systems and several academic institutions have partnered to deploy low-power, AI-infused monitoring devices that capture acoustic and visual data for behavioral research.
Accurate population and occupancy estimates play a vital role in shaping state and federal management policies. Through the use of various artificial intelligence algorithms, scientists can efficiently analyze large data sets of audio and video/stills to find and then study wolf communication behavior.

Our moonshot is to decode wolf communication as fully as humanly possible. But in the process, we’re building something with the potential to transform global conservation, all rooted in the incredible research happening right here in Yellowstone. Through our technology and research, we aim to:
Enhance wildlife population monitoring with greater accuracy;
Reduce conflicts between wildlife and livestock through better understanding and prediction of behavior;
Lower government wildlife management costs using advanced Artificial Intelligence;
Compensate private landowners for their ecosystem services;
Inspire future generations to appreciate both the economic and intrinsic value of wildlife;
And perhaps, along the way, help you understand your own pet just a little bit better.

50+ Locations
80,000 hours of audio
240 hours of wolves
1,500 observation hours
182 other species detected
Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) has emerged as a cost-effective and noninvasive technique for wolf surveys, providing detection probabilities exceeding those attained through camera trapping. We are building ARU's with classifiers for real-time detection, as well as ML models for post-processing analysis of the behavioral functions of wolf vocalizations. While bioacoustic monitoring is not a novel concept, the advent of advanced AI algorithms has opened up new possibilities to reduce costs and enhance researcher productivity in telemetry monitoring (for more information see Using machine learning to decode animal communication). The Greater Yellowstone region holds realistic, lower-cost potential for bioacoustic research, due to the long-term knowledge already gained from radio collaring, flight surveys, camera traps, and field surveys. As such, this collaborative research project aims to collect 24x7x365 bioacoustics data at pre-determined locations in the GYE which can be set aside, similar to genetic data, and used later for research of any species that vocalizes below 12khz.
Some Initial Findings
wolves predominantly vocalize during night time hours
wolves increase daytime vocalizations during the winter breeding season
wolves rapidly modulate their howls during "stressful" situations (inter-pack conflict)
wolves respond to coyote vocalizations, but do not silence the coyotes
wolf individuals can be identified by the pitch of their howl
female wolves play a significant role in how a pack communicates
one of the better ways to deter wolves from livestock is with large-pack chorus howl
Collaboration Partners


A Little about the Technology
Supervised Wolf Bioacoustic Detection
There is extensive precedent for applying ML for supervised bioacoustic detection tasks; examples include a sperm whale click detector, a humpback detector, and a model that detects and classifies birdsong, among many others. Employing similar methods, we can train a convolutional neural network (CNN) either from scratch or using pretrained weights to classify an acoustic window as non-signal or wolf signal depending on the absence or presence of a wolf vocalization in the given acoustic segment.

Gabe, a highschool intern annotating a wolf chorus howl for our machine learning algorithm
Supervised Wolf Chorus Counting
To our knowledge, there are no attempts at automated acoustic counting of overlapping signals, though there are several approaches that may be promising. We are training models (e.g. LSTM-CRF) to predict the number of overlapping spectral elements at fine timescales using open-source data. Assess the model’s ability to generalize to new datasets. Train a model to predict the number of wolves in a chorus based on human annotation of the number of wolves vocalizing concurrently.
Unsupervised Wolf Source Separation
Using previous work in source separation and emphasizing the unsupervised MixIT training algorithm used to separate overlapping birdsong mixtures, we can attempt to separate wolf choruses into predictions for the individuals present in the chorus. Though not functionally limited in the number of sources it can handle, it is unclear how the model will perform as the number of concurrently vocalizing wolves increases.
Unsupervised Meaning Discovery in Wolf Vocalizations
The CETI project has produced machine learning models, with little or no understanding of a species vocal repertoire, can be used to reveal meaningful units in the sounds. The approach in this paper, APPROACHING AN UNKNOWN COMMUNICATION SYSTEM BY LATENT SPACE EXPLORATION AND CAUSAL INFERENCE, with modification for wolf vocalizations, is promising.
Conservation Value
Non-invasive wolf population monitoring: occupancy, abundance, population trends
Assessing wolf pack structure and social dynamics: reproduction, pack identity, individual identity, changes in pack membership, aid in understanding effects of hunting, poaching, or environmental changes on pack dynamics
Tracking wolf movement and territory: monitor habitat use, overturn in territory, index of habitat quality, influence of humans on territory use.
Understanding responses to environmental and human disturbances: target areas of protection or corridors; mitigate human impacts
Monitoring reintroduction and conservation success in other places where wolves are returning
Conservation of cultural and ecosystem roles of wolves
Supporting law enforcement efforts and human-livestock conflicts: monitoring and responding to potential illegal activity such as poaching and gunshots inside protected lands; developing potential tools to mitigate depredations with livestock.
Technological advances to aid in species monitoring: developing reliable, long-lasting, cost-effective advanced camera traps with acoustic recorders; develop AI models for processing data
Education and outreach about wolves, animal communication, ecosystem processes, and natural soundscapesUmbrella research: recording soundscapes for wolves yields data to aid with conservation and monitoring of other species (e.g., bird) and natural soundscape.
Related Scientific Research
Acoustic Identification of Wild Gray Wolves, Canis lupus, Using Low Quality Recordings
Citizen science contribution to national wolf population monitoring: what have we learned?
Tracking cryptic animals using acoustic multilateration: A system for long-range wolf detection
Testing a New Passive Acoustic Recording Unit to Monitor Wolves
Bioacoustic Detection of Wolves: Identifying Subspecies and Individuals by Howls
Singing in a wolf chorus: structure and complexity of a multicomponent acoustic behaviour
The potential for acoustic individual identification in mammals
Tracking cryptic animals using acoustic multilateration: A system for long-range wolf detection
The contribution of source filter theory to mammal vocal communication research
Cross Modal Perception of Body Size in Domestic Dogs (Canis familiaris)
Size communication in domestic dog, Canis familiaris, growls
Wolf Howling Is Mediated by Relationship Quality Rather Than Underlying Emotional Stress
Not afraid of the big bad wolf: calls from large predators do not silence mesopredators
Acoustic analysis of wolf howls recorded in Apennine areas with different vegetation covers
Visualizing sound: counting wolves by using a spectral view of the chorus howling
Wolf howls encode both sender- and context-specific information
Individually distinct vocalizations in timber wolves, Canis lupus
Automated identification of avian vocalizations with deep convolutional neural networks
Chorus Howling by Wolves: Acoustic Structure, Pack Size and the Beau Geste Effect
Timber wolf howling playback studies: Discrimination of pup from adult howls
Radiographic analysis of canine vocal tract anatomy and its implications for human language origins
Voice-Sensitive Regions in the Dog and Human Brain Are Revealed by Comparative fMRI
Does size matter? Examining the drivers of mammalian vocalizations
Long-duration, false-colour spectrograms for detecting species in large audio data-sets
Recognition of familiarity on the basis of howls: a playback experiment in a captive group of wolves
Donate Financially to the Project
Yellowstone National Park's Wolf Project Team appreciates your interest in financially supporting the Cry Wolf Bioacoustics project. All donations go through Yellowstone Forever, the official non-profit of Yellowstone National Park. To ensure that your funds go to the Cry Wolf Project, click on the Donate Now button below. Put "For The Cry Wolf Bioacoustics Project" in the optional comments field. Thank you!